Ancient Americas at LACMA


Apr 23, 2015 | CNN México
Ivan Šprajc se abre paso entre las junglas de la península de Yucatán en busca de las grandes ciudades perdidas de esta cultura.
Apr 21, 2015 | RedOrbit
It must have been a time of great hardship and struggle for the ancient Maya civilization. The land was parched and dry as the devastating effects of climate change on brought a great drought. New research has shown that, despite attempts to adapt...
Apr 20, 2015 | YaleNews
A new study pinpoints the devastating effects of climate change on ancient Maya civilization, despite attempts to adapt to it.
Apr 17, 2015 | El Heraldo
Hoy se celebra el Día Internacional de los Monumentos y Sitios, una propuesta que surgió en el seno del Consejo Internacional de Monumentos y Sitios el 18 de abril del año de 1982 y fue aprobada en 1983 por la Asamblea General de la UNESCO.
Apr 16, 2015 |
La edición digital del Códice Mendoza, documento creado en 1542 acerca del México prehispánico y las tierras recién conquistadas, se presentó en el marco de la Feria de Libro de Londres, donde México es el invitado de honor.
Apr 15, 2015 |
Especialistas del INAH realizaron el registro en un sistema de información geográfica de la trayectoria y elementos asociados de este antiguo camino de 18 kilómetros.
Apr 13, 2015 | RPP Noticias
El arqueólogo, Ignacio Alva Meneses, director del proyecto arqueológico Ventarrón, ubicado en el distrito de Pomalca, reveló que los murales descubiertos en esta zona cultural, están prácticamente abandonados, por la falta de un conservador que...
Apr 10, 2015 | Ancient Origins
A new study suggests the rulers of the Maya city of Nakum used water as a social control method. They represented themselves as rainmakers, researchers say, showing themselves on monuments with water symbols, conducting water-related rituals and...
Apr 10, 2015 | Ancient Origins
A new study suggests the rulers of the Maya city of Nakum used water as a social control method. They represented themselves as rainmakers, researchers say, showing themselves on monuments with water symbols, conducting water-related rituals and...
Apr 08, 2015 | INAH
Desde su creación en 1939, el Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) ha dado a conocer a través de sus publicaciones los resultados de las investigaciones que realiza destinadas a recuperar, conservar y divulgar el patrimonio y la...
Apr 08, 2015 | Live Science
Dozens of tombs filled with up to 40 mummies each have been discovered around a 1,200-year-old ceremonial site in Peru's Cotahuasi Valley.So far, the archaeologists have excavated seven tombs containing at least 171 mummies from the site, now...
Apr 07, 2015 | BBC Mundo
Es una aldea prehispánica que fue cubierta de lava hace más de mil años y que se ubica dentro de una de las capitales más pobladas del mundo, la Ciudad de México.
Apr 04, 2015 | Quartz
The common consensus—outside academic circles, at least—is that the Aztec empire, like most indigenous American nations, crumbled under the combined force of colonial subjugation and imported European diseases. And while these factors...
Apr 04, 2015 | La Gran Época
La datación por radiocarbono arroja fechas tan lejanas como 5050 a. C, siendo las momias más antiguas del mundo.
Apr 02, 2015 | Tulane University News
The unassuming former ammunition shed in Belle Chasse, Louisiana, held a secret. Hidden inside its depths were rare 19th and early 20th century casts of ancient Maya monuments. 
Mar 30, 2015 | Ancient Origins
The ancient fortress site of Tiahuanaco (Tiwanaku) in western Bolivia is still revealing secrets thousands of years after its peak as capital of an empire, and home to one of the most important civilizations prior to the Inca. Archaeologists from...
Mar 30, 2015 | Washington Post
It began with screams of terror in the middle of the night.By the time rescuers traced the wailing to its origin, they found themselves at the jagged mouth of an ancient cave deep in the Belizean countryside. Sixty feet below, down a sheer rockface...
Mar 28, 2015 | Ancient Origins
Many centuries ago on the border of Belize and Guatemala, Maya people built a large city surrounded by a cultivated jungle garden that was home to around 20,000 people, which archaeologists call El Pilar. They had large structures, including palaces...
Mar 26, 2015 | New Historian
New research has highlighted the complexity of Aztec-era politics. It appears that ancient states in Mesoamerica had diplomatic relationships concerning trade.By focusing on the independent republic of Tlaxcallan, about 75 miles east of modern-day...
Mar 25, 2015 |
New findings from an international team of archaeological researchers highlight the complexity of geopolitics in Aztec era Mesoamerica and illustrate how the relationships among ancient states extended beyond warfare and diplomacy to issues...